Comics: Gamer Comics
Since the podcast was canceled this week and I had a rant I wanted to get out, I'll vent here. Today we were suppose to review a comic called "GG-Guys". Don't ask what "GG" stands for I couldn't find out. :( I won't give my full review for this yet but here's what I first thought after reading through the archives: "Another one?" Yes. Another clone of the ever popular formula of "gamer comics" as set forth by the Gamer Comic Gods of Penny Arcade. The formula can be expressed in colorful/non-work-safe language here: Zero Punctuation . In My words, which will be work safe here is what the formula is. Two guys, usually roommates living out their gaming fantasies. Usually there is one angry girl character to represent the entire female demographic of gamers. (insert many frownie faces). She will also be one of their girlfriends. Two Male-Dominant Industries in One Comics and the Game industry are two largely male-dominant industr...