Rethinking the Elf Bodice
So here's how this happened. I'm at work on a slow Saturday night and decided to play around in my test store. (I do tech support and my test store is custom pony based!) I created a new line of items in my store "Fluffy Ponies" and created a product for a plush pony. Which got me into research on how to actually make them and what kind of fabric is used and so on. So I was neck deep in research about how to make the eyes, the hair, and stumbled on someone's project for a life-size Rainbow Dash. They had a journal listing how they made it. It was amazing. One thing that caught my attention was how she made the Element of harmony... THIS tutorial And then I god...I've approached this all wrong. Well...not completely wrong...I just got the wrong kind of vinyl when I started. My current vinyl is felt back and very stiff (Which will be great for the hip leaves). But the bodice has a lot of curves...particularly in the breast region. This wou...