
Showing posts from June, 2019

Prince Lotor Cosplay - Day 0

Technically I've been working on this on and off for over a year. At first it was just going to be a subject of a YouTube video as an example of how I plan costumes. Then I started making the plan and liking the plan and dammit I'm actually working on this. So, I've gone over the plan a few times in video scripts but here's the basic gist of it: Layer 0: Padding and such.  This includes all the underpinnings needed to get that shoulder action going on. I thought at first that shoulder pads would be enough...but these are not mere power suit shoulder pads...these are more like American Football shoulder pads in shape so that's going to affect the measurements I need for my sleeves and bodysuit. Even though spandex stretches, the seams will look wrong if I don't measure things out correctly and give my arm enough space to live in the sleeve. Not only that the material I thought would work actually was not working for me. See I thought using the concep...

1 Year Later

Ugh...what a year it has been. Sorry to leave this dormant for so long. :/ So quick recap: I got a new job! I finished my Princess Costume for Halloween: My cat of 9 years Lucius passed away the day I finished this costume. :(  I adopted a new cat a week later, Sebastien!  *smoulder* He had a bunch of health and anxiety issues and pretty sure he has asthma. Which is distressing because that cough is the sound Lucius made before I took him to the emergency vet.  I've not been able to post to YouTube since. It's just not the right time.  After watching the final season of Voltron, decided to abandon my Pidge cosplay...because I grew to hate the main cast.   Anyboo, instead I'm cosplaying Lotor from the same series. Speaking of Lotor...finally used my embroidery machine to make a Lotor Pony Plush. Yay. Oh...and crochet has taken over my life recently. Made a baby blanket, some stuffed animals, working on my Visual Novel sloooowly....