More Leg Stuff, My Flash Game, and New Helmet Visor?

Howdy Again,

 I managed to get the legs to a place that will work for me. I've lined the styrene with foam rings and it velcros at the seam. It'll need painting and weathering. Everything needs more weathering. :D

I've also got the fabric for the veil. It looks nice on the helmet. I first have to sew the trim before attaching it to the helmet. (Otherwise I know it'll just be falling off all the time.)

The glove finger tips have been redone. Now they are tipped with duct tape. Duct Tape, the handy-man's best friend. :)

Currently I'm considering re-doing the visor one more time. I got some violet iPoly Dye this time and this time I won't put ANY Tamiya paint on it. Just for a slightly better visibility.

Still to do: Arm Belts (bicep and forearm), Hip belt, Bust Belts, Boot Knife, Mesh on shirt, Attaching armor to shirt, Shoulder bands, Neck Collar, Veil Trim, Painting boots. Hemming the pants. Possibly also attaching these pants to my capri pants. Hmmm.

Still to Re-Do: Visor, Weathering, Bandeau

And for something completely different. I made a Flash game: Quarian Maker. ^^
Alpha Version

I'm still learning a few things and I need to fix a lot but for now, Yay. It's fun making Quarians.


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