
Showing posts from July, 2016

Pony Plush Updates

I've got quite a bit of work done on these. First is Rough Edges: This is the first thing I put together with the pattern. The body turned out okay, the head, I made too big. I used a different head pattern than the one included with the body pattern. I think i may nee to take the head apart and do it again. It's still oddly shaped and I screwed up the ears. I've now corrected the pattern for the other stallion heads I have planned.  Next Willow Wisp I'm actually a little farther along than this picture suggests. The cutie marks and one eye is sewn down onto the pattern. We'll see how the sewing on this one goes soon. I just have one more eye to sew down. I've been procrastinating on that. 

Sewing all the plushies

Hello again blog. I'm here again. The sewing table is working out like a dream. It's a great place for snacks AND sewing. :) My current project is going to take me the rest of summer I feel like. (Steam's summer sale has NOT helped with this.) I'm working on plush versions of all my current My Little Pony Original Characters. Which are mostly based on pre-existing characters of mine that I've ponified. Some are new though.  I don't have a machine to do my embroidering. I can't justify the cost of an embroidering machine at this time either. ( I will probably hire someone eventually. ) So for now doing everything by hand.That's the part that's taking five-ever. And I have so many ponies! Here's the list of ponies I've started work on and those I have planned.  Name Progress To Do Creative Burst Pattern Cut, Mane Cut, Tail Cut, CM 10% finished Embroider Eyes, Finish CM, sew body, sew mane/tail, stuff Rough Edges Pattern Sew...