Sewing all the plushies

Hello again blog. I'm here again.

The sewing table is working out like a dream. It's a great place for snacks AND sewing. :)
My current project is going to take me the rest of summer I feel like. (Steam's summer sale has NOT helped with this.)

I'm working on plush versions of all my current My Little Pony Original Characters. Which are mostly based on pre-existing characters of mine that I've ponified. Some are new though.

 I don't have a machine to do my embroidering. I can't justify the cost of an embroidering machine at this time either. ( I will probably hire someone eventually. )
So for now doing everything by hand.That's the part that's taking five-ever. And I have so many ponies!

Here's the list of ponies I've started work on and those I have planned. 

NameProgressTo Do
Creative BurstPattern Cut, Mane Cut, Tail Cut, CM 10% finishedEmbroider Eyes, Finish CM, sew body, sew mane/tail, stuff
Rough EdgesPattern Sewn, Body stuffed, Eyes/CM embroidered and attached. Aibrush Beard, pattern mane/tail, Attach head, re-do head
Willow WispPattern sewn, CM/Eyes embroidered and attached, Attached CM/Eyes to pattern, Stuffed pattern mane/tail, attach wings with velcro, sew on head
Tender HeartPattern cut, Tail cut, Embroider 75% eyesEmbroider eyes/CM, attach embroidery, pattern mane, sew pattern, stuff, airbrush beard
Lucky StarsPattern cut, Eyes partially embroideredFinish eyes, embroider CM, attach embroidery, pattern mane/tail, sew pattern, stuff
Acid Splashpattern cutEmbroider Eyes/CM, attach embroidery, pattern mane/tail, sew pattern, stuff
Poison Kisspattern cutEmbroider Eyes/CM, attach embroidery, pattern mane/tail, sew pattern, stuff
Crystal PopPattern cutPattern Eyes (applique), embroider cm, attach embroidery, sew pattern, pattenr mane/tail, stuff, airbrush wings.
Loyal DefenderPattern cut, CM 75% embroideredFinish CM embroider, Embroider eyes and attach, pattern mane/tail, sew pattern, stuff, airbrush beard


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