Considerations for Female Turian Cosplay

Artist Turian - in love with exploration of art in other cultures.
Dance is her favorite art form. She also paints.
Name: Perpeta Ignalus
Originally from the Oma Ker Colony, now lives in the Citadel where she can mingle with many different species.
Skills: Hand to hand fighting
Age: 27
Service Years: finished boot camp, spent time assisting ambassadors at the Citadel.
Veritus Luccedus (Turian Boyfriend)
Maeli'Jaedal nar Yaama (Quarian Dancer)

Crafty Historian - an adventurous archaeologist and collector of rare artifacts.
Good at recreating historical garb and some objects. Enjoys teaching cultural history.
Name: Caelia Hilaraka
Homeworld: Palaven
Travels Often
Other skills: Pistols, Tech (new and old), piloting
Age: 32
Sister to Perpeta.

Mask Considerations:
3d Print?
Paper mache?
Resin Cast?

Bodycon hooded dress
Custom platform Boots

Body Mods:
Hip Padding
Carapace construction: Furniture foam? EVA?
Body Paint
Bald cap
Claws (got)

Blue submersible light
Water bottle

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