I'm sewing ponies again

I'm the worst at updating. But summer's coming and for some reason that seems to be getting me into my creative groove again.

So I think it's almost been a year but I'm still working on my Pony OC plushies. I'm happy to say that I've finished the first "body" of a pony. She still needs a mane and tail, but here's Willow Wisp.

The wings are velcroed on so I can interchange them with open wings. The eyes and cutie marks were hand embroidered. ...Yeah...I have to find a better way to do that. 

And luckily  I think I have. I found a video that suggested printing on felt which is something I may try. (I did an experiment on batting and it worked decently well.) Which will help speed up the process on other ponies. Seriously, hand embroidering make-up eyes...So much work. 

I've taken apart my old Rough Edges pony and recut him in proper minky. He's the other one I had nearly finished but now I have to start over with. :P 

Also new is I decided to make a GIANT lifesize plushie or two based on a laying down pattern. I got one head done. 
It's flarkin' huge. BUT I learned a NEW technique for eyes using applique methods and oddly enough it's a bit easier when the pattern is bigger. I need to fix the head a bit because it's too oblong/back heavy. Luckily, I know how to correct this. (I also put one of the eyes in a bad spot. I hope to adjust and fix how that looks too...but it might be trickier.)

The head should give a good indication for about how big the darn thing will be. I will have 2 ponies at this size. A Stallion and a Mare. 

I hope to correct the stallion head and get started on the body this weekend. And maybe one day I'll finally bust out my airbrush and put the 5 o'clock shadow on the other stallions I have planned. Wish me luck!


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