Prince Lotor Day 5 + 6

More progress! So I completed the bodycon that I'm using for the top. I ended up gluing the final grey piece on. I'm not confident it will stay but we'll see.

Took some live action tests here with the massive shoulder pads.

That was most of that weekend.

This past weekend, redid the tailcoat. Still not getting the sharp edges I'm wanting for the back. (May need to do some research but this time the lining and outing matched up. Painted the blue marks too.

Also made the gloves but that's not nearly as sexy or exciting as the skirt.
Last step for the skirt will be to sew it directly onto the leggings.  Then the only thing left to sew will be the shoes.

After all that we move onto the armor parts. I will definitely need more EVA than I thought. 😜

Luckily I'm getting some gift cards from work to Lowes so I can get some more and some PVC pipe for the sword. Then I should have all that I need to create the weapons and armor. Hurzah!

I made some progress with the art doll too. More on that later.


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