Prince Lotor - Day 10 + 11

It was a messy weekend. It was the day for cutting, sanding, dremelling, drilling, fucking up with the dremel, trying to figure out how to fix things, trying to sand them, not getting the result. Getting Tired. Making sugar-free gummy candies. Forgetting to wear eye protection while using the dremel, but remembering to wear the respirator.
delicious sugar-free rupees! 

Safety first kids. You never know when you'll jam a needle into your thumb.

But that was two weeks ago. However, happily I was able to really work on the chest piece and get it pretty snug and fit. All the things that needed straps pretty much have them...except the thighs. Magnets did not work, velcro does a little but my ultimate plan: I have installed D-rings that I will loop double-sided velcro to. The velcro strip is sewn onto the leggings, looped through the ring, then attached to itself. Although...I'm having a thought right now. I could use the nylon webbing and snaps or a button. I have lots of buttons and a button hole foot for my machine. That's what I think I'll do.
Leg armor on a peg leg. LOL.

Before cutting and fitting. 
After cutting and fitting. 

But in anycase, on Sunday I was able to make the belt and glue on the fins to the shin guards and gauntlets. I played around with the LEDs and ran into a bit of a design flaw. It's hard to keep them in once installed. I thing the balloon lights, while a viable option may end up not being the way to go. I'm going to look into alternatives like earrings or LED kits like the one I got for Kova...which was pretty cheap and work really well. I just need to put friendly plastic into the guantlet holes. Yeah...I think that's the way to go. The LED kit was pretty cheap and convenient. :) But that will have to wait until after sealing and painting. I need to find some glue to fill in some pockets in the foam.

The only thing left to cut and glue together are the boot toes. I may try to do that today or tomorrow.
(So close to finishing this part. UGH. I hate working with fumes and wearing the respirator.)

I also finally did a fitting to check how it's all working together. And It's not too bad so far. Helps that I lost some weight. :)

Duck face...whoo oohh. 


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