Progress Report

Projects that I'm currently working on at the moment.

Baby Blanket Crochet - I have crocheted about 13 cm of a 100 cm blanket. ;_;

Leather Lessons - I'm up to module 5, but I still need to do the homework for 4. Planning on doing that this weekend.

MAX - Doing the art exchange this month. I should be able to make it this weekend and do my homework.

Lotara Cosplay - Collecting phase. I'm being patient, but I've gotten ears and body paint and earrings at the moment.

3D Printing - I'm very close to my savings goal for a Resin 3D printer. Looking forward to making minis and costume parts.

Sculpting - haven't started my lessons on Udemy yet.

Art Doll Goro - the armature stares at me all the time. :P

BJD course - about 50% done but I think I need to restart. I some of the supplies for it, but it has intrigued me about porcelain casting, but no info yet.

VN Project - I've written up to chapter 5 for both the final routes. (Goro and Katsuro).
I'll get around to finishing/redoing some sprites. I always do this. I think this time I'll actually include the feet. :P I'm bad at that.

Pony Sewing - I need to make adjustments to the head. I made the forehead too wide and the top part too tall. Eyes look a bit derped right now. :P


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