Triforce of Costumes - Day 0

Currently working on 3 costumes at once. Which may be a bit overzealous but it is also practice for eventually making costumes for others.
On my plate is: Lotara the Drow Elf, Princess Zelda and Linkle. 

Here's where things are at so far. 


Materials Gathered: 
  • Wig
  • Fabric for undergarments and under-coat
  • EVA for armor prototyping
  • Latex Elf Ears
  • Face Paint
  • Stockings for "leg skin"
  • High knee socks
  • Ear Cuffs
  • Makeup
  • Dagger Prop
Materials Needed:
  • Leather 
  • Leather Paint
  • Long gloves (or fabric for them)
  • Boots
  • Finger Armor (maybe)

Princess Zelda

Material Gathered: 
  • Latex Elf Ears
  • Wig
  • 3D printed Jewelry
  • Pattern for Apron
  • Pattern for Dress
  • Vector Sample for Embroidery
  • EVA for Hair ornament (might use leather instead)
Materials Needed:
  • Boots (probably will use the same boots for all 3 characters if possible)
  • Ribbon for Hair
  • Finish printing shoulder armor
  • Fabric for dress, apron and overcoat
  • Fabric paint for Apron
  • Opera Gloves
  • Fabric Paint for gloves 
  • Create Embroidery Machine pattern


Materials Gathered: 
  • Clothing pattern 
  • Wig
  • 3d printed compass
  • Latex Elf ears (same ears as Zelda)
  • Parts of the crossbows printed
Materials Needed: 
  • Fabric for pattern
  • Suede for boot covers
  • Boots
  • 3D print wooden crossbow parts
  • Finish 3d print of compass
  • Rope for boots
I really haven't gone too deeply into a plan of attack for these costumes just yet. I haven't settled on a fabric for Linkle or Zelda, I'm still fiddling with the pattern for Lotara's armor and I'm getting distracted by fiddly details that really don't matter in the beginning. (Like what kind of jewelry Lotara would wear. LOL. It's fun to think about though.) 

I will admit I'm not doing as much pattern making this time around but I imagine I'll be doing much more pattern tailoring which I need more practice with. 

Here are some of the things I consider challenges: 
  • Incorporating Embroidery on the dress
  • Painting a complicated apron pattern
  • Creating Linkle's Boots
  • Creating all the leather parts for Lotara
  • Styling Linkle and Zelda Wigs
  • Assembling and finishing Zelda's Jewelry
  • Making the hair ornament 
  • Assembling and finishing Linkle's props
  • Possibly getting contact lenses
So, big debate I've been having with myself lately is whether or not I want to start costuming with contact lens. It would add such a nice finishing touch to a lot of these costumes and I think they'd be GREAT for photos. Not to mention if I get prescription lenses, I don't have to wear glasses when driving to the convention or whatever event I'm going to. Hmmm...may need sunglasses still. 
I am due for an eye exam soon but I am nervous because I've never worn contacts in my life, I have twitchy eyelids and I hate things coming near my eyes. But that's what the doctor's for. To make sure I can do things right and my doctor sells the costume/colored lenses. 

For this cosplay I'd really only need to get blue and purple contacts. Blue for Zelda and Linkle, purple for Lotara and Lotor. (I really need to set up a time to get a photoshoot of that costume...once I finish the sword.) I will update when I make a more solid decision. 


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