Project Slow Down

It's always a bummer hitting a snag in a plan. However, Summer is always a mixed bag when it comes to projects. Obviously this summer has been full of snags around budget and mental health. And I feel like every few years I tend to shift gears from one creative pursuit to another. I'm wrapping up the writing for my visual novel which means I need to start cranking out some art. Due to aforementioned budget concerns, I don't think I'll be able to afford hiring out for many artists. Still want someone else to handle backgrounds but we'll see what I can do in the mean time. 

This past weekend I finally cleaned my crafting space since it's been full of delivery boxes for weeks. I still need another shelf or container unit to hold supplies neatly but I'll feel better once I get that done. 

I did get my fabric for Lotara. Waiting on the wigs for Linkle and Zelda. Finished printing the armor for Zelda. Got the parts I need to print out Linkle's crossbows. Re-did my pattern and prototype for my leather armor. 

And naturally, got inspired for another pet costume project: a traditional Polish dress. The only thing I plan on making myself is the vest. Got the pattern for it and bought a skirt and apron. My church does a multi-cultural mass every year in November. Everyone is encouraged to wear traditional outfits from around the world. Wanted to represent my ancestry which is really kind of a mess of Eastern and Central European. 

Anyway, that's all on that. 


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