Zelda Day 2-3

 There's not much time between now and Halloween but progress is finally being made with Princess Zelda. 

Day 2 - Apron

First day, I prepped my white cotton, used my template and cut out 4 copies of the apron. Took those pieces and used Color Max Spray paint to make the blue and purple gradient. 

Cut the template a bit and taped it down to the cotton to spray paint the green edge. I printed out a second copy of the template for the gold and purple paint which I will do by hand with the template as guidance. 

I have four copies of the apron just in case. Once I have the gold parts painted, I'm going to use some bond and fuse to put two of the apron pieces together, with a bit of interfacing or foam pieces along the top to connect to the belt. 

Day 3 - Pattern cutting

Last weekend I got my flu shot so I wasn't feeling so great over the weekend. Plus I got sidetracked with some crochet projects. I just get in these crafty moods sometimes. Anyway, I did cut out the pattern pieces for the dress and overlay. I'm going to cut out and sew the underdress this weekend (if all goes well). 

I'm adjusting the packaged pattern so I don't have to sew a zipper. My mom gave me some good advice about adjusting the pattern so I don't have too much of a seam. 

Anyway, I just cut out the paper pattern pieces. Some of them needed to be taped together. It's also becoming increasingly difficult to find space to lay out fabric. I might actually have to ugh...clean some of my apartment. 


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