3D Printed Cosplays

It's 2021 and this past year I've started getting the hang of 3D printing. It's fun. It has greatly expanded cosplay potential. So, right now I'm working on a few 3D-printed armors 


The first project I started in November while visiting my parents for Thanksgiving. I got caught up with the Mandalorian and just felt a desire to at least print the Armorer's Helmet. 

Well...I did just that!

With the helmet printed and painted. I opted to go for the whole costume. I have patterns for some of the leather parts, a shag fleece fabric for the mantle, and patterns for the chest armor. I have yet to print the chest armor, but I expect to do so soon. The hammer prop and the belt do-dads are already printed but not assembled. 

Rescue: MCU

So the other bit of armor I'm planning to do is Rescue (Iron Woman...in a sense) from Marvel Cinematic Universe. This one is in heavy planning stages. I purchase some 3D files for the armor pieces and resized them to fit my body measurements. 

Used a neat program called Armorsmith Designer. It let's me import my body measurements onto a virtual dress form. Then I can import 3D models and fit them too the dress form then export the resized version. 

I've also finished slicing all the files (took a long time) and made a spreadsheet so I could keep track of how long it would take. (I should have also check how much filament it would use so I could stock up.) According to the spreadsheet, it will take an estimated 2 weeks to print all the armor pieces if there are no errors.  

And that's what's been going on here lately. Other than occasionally getting caught up in crochet, video games, and 3D printing gifts and baby Grogu. 

Happy New Year!


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