Catching up on Projects

 Where'd the time go? Goodness. Well, I've made a little bit of progress on some costumes but my focus the past few weeks has been game making and sewing gifts for my nephews. Broke out my embroidery machine and broke a few needles. Ha ha ha. 

Finished up the Helm for the Armorer: 

3/4 pieces of the chest piece are printed. (I'll start printing the last piece soon.)

I've been collecting pieces for another costume idea. 

I still want to work on Rescue eventually too. But it requires some more research. 

But most of my projects have ground to a halt because my cat got sick. Had a couple of visits to the ER Vet this past two weeks and several visits to his regular vet. He's now going to be on prescription food for the rest of his life. I'm worn out and haven't been able to focus on any of my hobbies. But I'm taking a vacation first week of Easter to finish up sewing backpacks and little dragons for my nephews since their birthdays are at the end of April. 


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