Visual Novel Production! Costume Stuff! Future plans!

 I am chipping away at my visual novel, Trouble Brewing. That's been my main focus the past couple months. 

Oh and mermaiding. 

I'm couch Not really. I've used the tail at the pool. 

I have finished 3D printing and gluing together the chest piece for the Armorer: 
And finished the backpacks for my nephews: 

But like I said, most of my time is on the visual novel. I've been making new sprites and coding/scripting the darn thing. Finally got through chapter 2 and now it's chapter 3. 

Still doing research on Rescue. I don't think I'll make it for Halloween. I think I'll focus on the Armorer this year. Ahem...and my kitsune costume take 2. Making a cosplay of my own character! 

I just need to make the tails, ears, belt boot covers, sleeveless jacket and bracers. Really...not a bfd. I have most of what I need for it. I'm also considering doing some costume concept tutorial series here focused on swim-friendly mermaid costumes and kitsune costumes. 


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