Work has been all consuming of my time and a drain on my creativity. I still get bursts of creative energy from time to time. Some things I've made since my last post: Rhinestone Necklace Rhinestone Shoes Crochet African Flowers Stuffed Fox Touching up VN sprites Written the First chapter of the next two VN routes So more productive than I give myself credit for. :) Also exciting is that MAX (Multi-Artist Exchange) has been revived again after 2 years. I've been a part of this art exchange for over a decade. We're open to new folks joining so check it out at . I have been working on updating the guide for them. Last night I purchased some of the fabric I'll need for my massive ballgown. Good golly miss molly. I had to get 19 yards of tulle. NINETEEN! That's almost 50 feet of fabric. What have I gotten myself into!? It also got me going into pattern reading whic...
A new month. And ever closer creeps my personal deadlines for these costumes. October was the goal for the Warden and Tali. However, since I've taken on another project for Halloween, I'm scooting Warden and Tali out to November. And Alistair...the poor chap...hasn't had any construction done what so ever. :( I have all supplies too. Anyway, I've made a bit of progress on each costume here and there. Tali: I took the shoes out of the feet and got inserts to put in there instead. Warden: Put more studs into the Jacket. Wolf Queen: Made the Circlet, got the beads for the necklace, made some ears and started on the tail. Got some knee high nylons to make the feet. I've also had quite a few interviews the past couple weeks. I hope to start a new job soon. *pleeeease, better pay, better environment* Anyway, I've also been going to D&D sessions on the weekends. ...I'm learning how bad I am at improv. LOL. I hope to finish the Wolf Tail this week ...
So San Diego Comic Con is going on. And a Tali cosplay appeared on my facebook feed. :) It was fun to see especially since it was a ME 3 version. I think I'm unique in doing ME 1 version. But I'm distracted. I haven't done costume stuff for a couple of days now. >_> I started playing Dragon Age Origins again. /sigh/ I keep glaring at the Warden Armors. WHY ARE THERE SO MANY BELTS?? GAwww. Anyway, I'm both distracted and inspired. Perhaps it's time to feed the muse instead of work out. But I'm sure the beads I ordered will be coming in soon. And I'll be moved to work on something.
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