Prince Lotor - Day 13 + 14.5

Over the weekend was quite the poisonous undertaking. It was also breezy outside which kind of sucked. But I covered almost all the armor pieces in Plasti-Dip.

However, there were some issues with bubbling and in some cases peeling. :P I did not do even coats despite using the trigger spray. The wind was really distracting. Anyway, got it done on Saturday.
My kingdom of trash! OMG.

Sunday after Mass and chatting with my parents, I started painting some of my pieces with the primer+paint in grey and black. These came out fine, except for the breeze sort of messing things up. :P
Thighs and knee
These might get another coat of spray paint, but after some reading on how to make edges look a bit smoother after a rough sanding. I learned about flexible paint. I order some Sunday and got it yesterday and gave it a try. 

It's brushed on. 
It did seem to fill in some of the tiny holes and bubbles. It'll take a few layers but Hexpaint did make some of the rough sand smoother. 
I also made stencils for the blue star and "nose" on the chest piece. The silver eyes I know I can free hand. 

So the plan is to put a couple more coats of Hex paint on the chest and gauntlets. 
Then over the weekend, use the primer + spray paint to give everything an even coat. Then paint on the deets. 

I will also add paint to the leggings and top that need fixing. I'm going to be a mess this weekend. 
But the taste of being so close to finishing is delicious! 


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