Prince Lotor - Day 17 Wigging Out

This weekend was hair and makeup. Although, I didn't go to the Salon. I wish I did. I could use a facial. UGH. Anyway, I finally took the wig out and admired it's splendor.
At this point I just slicked back some of the hair and put in some craft foam markers for the widows peak and sideburns. I just love how nice the curls look. 😍

But it needs more widow's peak or some changes in the hairline. Which means I needed to ventilate. I don't have a ventilating hook but I learned how to do it with a normal sewing needle. It's probably a bit easier.  But before starting ANYTHING, I installed an elastic band so I wouldn't need to use a bunch of glue or tap to keep the wig on.
A trick I learned from some videos. With the band in place it really uses friction to keep the forhead lace flat against your head. I still may need to use some tape for the sideburns though. I need to find my hem tap. :P

Anyway, here's what the ventilating looked like after 4 hours of work.
Now the sideburns were more of a challenge. At first I tried to employ the "fake hairline" method where you use fabric scraps and glue wefts of hair onto the fabric. It started looking like this.
As time went on, I kept fiddling and finding it insecure and not looking like part of the wig. It definitely looked tacked on. Because it was. I also did the swoop bang by using glue and spiking gel on a section of the ventilated widow's peak.

Once things started kind of falling off I tore off the fabric I glued on and started playing with the hair already in the lace front. I realized that I had a LOT of hair to play with here. I put on the wig, sectioned out where the sideburns would be and used hair gel to smooth it out and cut the length. Continued to use glue to keep the triangular shape. Still needs some help laying flat but we'll get there.
I didn't have hairspray on hand so, I still have some things to do to keep things slicked back.

In addition to wig work, I did a makeup test with my current supply. Since the test I've ordered some barrier spray and will be getting some new brushes and setting powder and eyeshadow.
The eyebrows didn't come out right. I need to use a straightedge to keep the shape sharp and I needed to hide my eyebrows better.

It looks a bit better all put together:

The wig lace needs trimming and as you can see the sideburns are not sticking down. So It's not bad, but not great either. I think I'm going to make a stencil for those brows.
Like this guy's here! I also may get some UV or neon pink paint for the Altean marks.


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